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    Reasons to go to Mikvah    


Going to the Mikvah can be a spiritual experience, allowing the individual who immerses an opportunity to transition into a different state of being. As the warm waters of the Mikvah surround you, you feel that you are entering a different stage of life, emerging from the Mikvah changed in a positive way.


Reasons to go to the Mikvah vary. Those choosing to convert to Judaism go to the Mikvah as their final step to becoming Jewish. However, there are many other reasons to visit the Mikvah including the following:

  • Many Liberal men and women choose to visit our Mikvah for the more traditional reasons of family purity.

  • Our Mikvah offers a safe, spiritual space for Jews in the LGBTQ Community.

  • Many people come for comfort and healing during an illness or following a traumatic event.

  • Many pre-B’nei Mitzvah candidates and pre-Confirmation students choose to visit the Mikvah as a way to mark their transition within Judaism.

  • Many brides and grooms choose to visit the Mikvah prior to their wedding ceremony as a way to mark this transition in their lives.

  • After divorce, miscarriage or other deep personal loss, immersion can help the individual draw strength moving forward.

  • Immersion after recovering from a serious illness allows the individual to express their gratitude for their renewed good health.

  • Women may want to visit the Mikvah after entering menopause.

  • Any life transition can be marked by visiting the Mikvah.

The ritual involves immersing oneself three times in the waters of the Mikvah followed by the recitation of the traditional blessing for immersion. Some choose to recite the Shema after the second immersion and the Shehechiyanu after the third immersion. The Shomer/et (Mikvah attendant) will assist you with the ritual and may add additional readings (as may you) to make each individual’s immersion meaningful and transformative.

Contact the Mikvah

t: 416.630.0375 e:

36 Atkinson Avenue, Thornhill, ON L4J 5B1

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